Our Journey After Twin Loss

Best of The Blog !

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Yesterday , I received an email from one of my blog reader , my friend. She is now the mother to two beautiful kids ( twins ). She has struggled hard with infertility for years - she deserves the happiness she is now experiencing. She is such a nice person ; she is very kind enough to inform me when she was pregnant , many don't do so. She sent me the pictures of her children yesterday , and that made my day. There are so many women who write to me , but I never hear from them once they succeed - on my bad days , it just hurts.  I have watched the picture she sent me so many times now - the happiness in her face , the beauty in her children's face was amazing. 'A' , I wish you lots of happiness - happy motherhood ! You are one beautiful soul I met via my blog , and thanks for being so kind and compassionate.

Almost every woman whom I have met through my blog has attained their most beautiful dream - motherhood ! There are many ways to motherhood - adoption , IVF , IUI, donor eggs , surrogacy , donor embryos , the list is endless ! We must be thankful that we live in this age of easy information access , and in a age where science and technology are rapidly advancing and the benefits of it are available to us. I sincerely hope it becomes affordable for everyone too.

Long , long back I posted something here. I hope I could write more in the coming days. Anisha is doing good - couldn't believe that she is one year old already ! :)

Hope everyone of you are doing good. Good luck !


  1. Dear Manju. Thanks for this beautiful post! Yes, my husband and I are indeed blessed to have the two lil miracles and we are ever grateful to the Lord for our twin girls in our lives. Not to forget the wonderful hands of Doctors Aniruddha and Anjali Malpani, Dr. Sai Prasad and many more people who have a role to play in my successful journey to motherhood. The list is huge and I hope to write one day about it all, like you. But one person who stands tall in the long list of people is a wonderful beautiful angel, my surrogate, who cared for our princesses in her womb for 9 months. She made our dream come true and we can't thank her enough. Thanks for your support throughout our pregnancy and before. Your guidance has been so helpful in having a peace of mind during this stressful period :).Love and blessings to Anisha, our twin Angels and all the miracle babies out there born via IVF �� - Anjani

    1. Hope little ones are keeping you busy. I was so happy to see them. Keep in touch ! Hugs.


Please do write to me! It makes me happy :)