Our Journey After Twin Loss

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Anisha is 4 months old !

Our little one has grown up a lot. During the previous medical check up, she is much taller than she should be. She is almost 7 kgs now. I can't be proud and thankful enough. Even German mothers comment, "Oh, she is big !" I think, feeding her whenever she needs and co-sleeping, has made this positive difference.  Breastfeeding continues without any problem.

Anisha, watches TV ! She loves watching animated rhymes and I love it too. When I was young, in the rhymes book, there will be a single picture depicting a scene of the rhyme. That picture combined with my imagination made many characters in the rhymes come alive. I still remember worrying for the broken humpty dumpty ! Now, these animated rhymes make every character come alive so beautifully, even I can't take my eyes off ! Children's world is just amazing. I am happy that I could be part of it again. Before Anisha falls asleep at night, I sing her many rhymes. She will smile and smile, get hungry, drink milk and fall asleep.

Anisha, nowadays love playing with my nipples. She keeps her mouth, takes it off and this game continues until she really gets hungry. When I say, "Anisha, it pains", she looks at me and flashes a very naughty smile. The pain vanishes immediately and I allow her to continue the prank. Another comedy is, during night, when she gets up for feeding, she wants to find my nipples in that dim light. She has also recently developed the habit of throwing her hands around my breast covering part of my breast and hiding her mouth. I will be sleepy too. We try to find each other in the dark - she searches for my nipple and I for her mouth. This continues in vain for sometime and she starts crying in frustration :) This makes me wide awake and I try to solve who the problem as quick as possible. She doesn't want that I talk when feeding. When I talk to Rajender she stops feeding and gives a very discontent look. If I continue talking, she raises her hand showing a finger and makes a crying face. That means, I must stop talking :) Oh, this little one !!!

She wants to sit. We try hard to keep her back well supported. She sometime gets very frustrated because of this and start screaming. She raises her back and tries to sit in her comfort chair.

After the completion of her third month, she attended three parties. Two, hosted by our friends, and one, we held to introduce Anisha to our friends. The very friendly, all smiling Anisha, was crying, crying and crying. She was not happy with the crowd and the noise. Only her dad could pacify her for sometime and she felt comfortable staying with her dad all the time. She was not happy to see a different mom - a mom who was always in nighty and no make-up to a mom wearing a saree or suit and with make-up !

She gets up once a night, rarely twice. Very recently, she has started to try to catch the playthings hanging on her play mat. She also had her first set of vaccinations.

Resemblance - hmm...yeah, I should admit that she looks more like Rajender. I still believe she has eyes which resembles mine, hopefully ! And, I love people when they say that she resembles me.

I can't be happy and thankful enough when I see her. We always remember our dark days and wonder how life has changed. All the past happenings have made me realize that everything will pass, until then, it is wise to be happy everyday for my blessings !

Please keep Anisha in your prayers ! All your blessings are priceless.


  1. Lovely pics .
    Currently I am in the same place where you used to be. Struggling to conceive with repeated failed ivfs. It is so hard to believe that everything will pass and things will. Change..
    You are an inspiration to me as you kept the positivity and hopes despite the dark times. I hope my times will change too.

    1. Bright days will come soon. Prayers from me and Anisha ! Lots of love too.

    2. So sweet Manju. Prayers from both of you are mean a lot, specially from little Anisha, as children are God's biggest blessing. Thanks.

  2. Manju,
    Your blog has been a true inspiration over the past two years as we are going through our own similar dark, lonely journey. I am so happy for you! May God bless you both and your sweet baby girl!

    1. Lots of prayers and good luck coming your way ! Thanks a lot for the blessings !

      Anisha, Manju

  3. Agree! Yours is a truly inspiring journey. God bless you to continue to inspire many more. Anjani.


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