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Monday, January 21, 2013

Dr.Malpani's Blog: The HELP Video Guide to Ovarian Cysts

Dear Friends,

I have a request. Below is the link for a patient education video prepared by HELP. They need to hear your feed back on it - whether it is OK in the present format, what can be done to make it more interesting, is it understandable, is it helpful for you, etc. I would appreciate a lot if you could leave your opinions and suggestions about this video. Every suggestion is valuable and will help the makers of this video to design it even more better  !


Dr.Malpani's Blog: The HELP Video Guide to Ovarian Cysts: The HELP Video Guide to Ovarian Cysts Please provide feedback !


  1. Dear Manju, Can I have your email ID? I want to talk to u...


Please do write to me! It makes me happy :)

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