Our Journey After Twin Loss

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

To cerclage or not to cerclage!

Before going into the topic let me clear one thing, I am pregnant only with a singleton and not with twins. Actually, I never said that I am carrying twins. When one of my blog readers asked whether it is possible to see two heart beats with a single embryo transfer, I explained that it is possible for a single embryo to split and form two babies. I did have two heart beats within me - one mine and one my little one's :) My apologies, it is just a small prank! :)

After the 7 week scan, (will include all the scan reports as separate post next week!) I had scans every week thereafter. The seven week scan was perfect. The doctor who did the scan noted multiple myomas (small fibroids) in the uterus, so I stopped the supplemental estrogen which I was taking. After every scan I was able to relax a couple of days. Then the worry starts again. After going through so many setbacks in my journey, my mind refused to believe that all will be well. The 8 week scan was perfect too. Dr.Malpani actually said it was an excellent report. It was wonderful to see how much an embryo could grow in a week. I didn't have much morning sickness. That made me nervous all the time. During the 9 week scan, I was actually shivering  lying on the table waiting for the scan. Rajender was too shocked to see that and so was the doctor who did the scan. I could breathe only after he said everything looks good. 

The time for NT scan came. I had my NT scan at 11w2d. All was fine; the doctor who did the scan said that I don't even need to have any blood tests. That was (NT scan) such an important milestone and we did feel a lot better.

After the NT scan, Dr. Malpani was asking in every of his mail when I was going to have a cerclage. Not only Dr, all my family members were on the pro-cerclage team. The only person who didn't want me to have a cerclage is my gynecologist. She is such a good doctor and I am very lucky to have found her. She is knowledgeable, kind, patient, compassionate and empathetic. She could understand her patients' fear and concerns and could make them feel comfortable and secure. She told me, "I think your cervical problem during previous pregnancy was due to carrying twins. Until this moment I don't find any problem with your cervix (It was 4cm at that point). I will check you every week. If there is some problem then we can think of a cerclage". At that moment, it sounded too good to me. Having a cerclage is not without any risk. The biggest risk is losing the pregnancy itself, although, the odds for such happening is miniscule when the cerclage is done during early pregnancy before any cervical changes occured (I will write a separate post on cervical incompetence and cervical cerclage later). Even though I liked my gynecologist's suggestion, my previous experience with incompetent cervix made me very paranoid. As the weeks progressed my mind was playing all as sorts of games with me. "What if the cervix just opens and my baby falls down!", this fear was not allowing me to have a normal life.  Dr. Malpani told me, "you will feel much better after having a cerclage, please go for it". In Germany, they don't do a cerclage before 15 weeks. I told my gynecologist that I want to have a cerclage and it will give me peace of mind. She talked to the head of the clinic regarding this, he was a very good surgeon. But, unfortunately at that time he was going on a holiday for 2 weeks. I went and saw another lady doctor in the clinic who did all my early scans with twins. She was so happy to see me. When I told her I was pregnant again, her eyes were shining with utmost joy. She got married recently and with so much happiness she shared with me the news that she was pregnant too. She immediately arranged for all the tests that has to done before having a cerclage. She suggested me a doctor too who is well experienced in performing cerclages. When I was about to leave she asked, "Manju can I give you a hug". I still could feel the warmth and kindness in that warm embrace. This world is full of kind people!

My gnecologist in the following week took a cervical swab and sent it to the microbiology lab. I was eagerly counting days to have the cerclage. The microbiology lab results came. The verdict was "The swab was positive for Staphylococcus Aureus".

Did they allow me to have a cerclage? My cerclage experience is another interesting, educative story. Stay tuned :)


  1. Happy to see everything is progressing good at your side. God Bless!

  2. Congratulations Dear Manju! I sincerely wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. - Aparna from Goa

  3. Dear Manju, Congratulations!. May u have a healthy pregnancy n healthy baby after full term of pregnancy
    Please post a blog on all the scan reports n cerclage. This would help many ppl like me who have conceived after a lot of struggle. We can be updated n aware of when what measures/tests/supplements to be taken. God bless you.

  4. Congratulations dear Manju!. My RE gives estrogen supplement(evatone) upto 3 months. Is it not really required upto 12 weeks?. Take care.

    1. If it is a fresh IVF cycle, then the answer is, NO. If it is a frozen embryo transfer, then the answer is, YES you must take until 12 weeks.

  5. What a big prank!!! haha.. I can't wait to read more! Keep posting! Lots of Luck and Love, Nio

  6. Im so happy for u Manju. Did u leave for Germany immediately?. What was ur DH's reaction after ur 1st scan?. Love to hear that. Take care.

    1. He said congratulations :) That's all he said. He is not as expressive as I am. But I did feel the happiness and a great relief in his voice.

  7. Congratulations!! I was so nervous for you when I read "2 heartbeats" in the previous post .. but it is wonderful that you have a singleton! I'm sure things will go smoothly this time, especially with a cerclage. Have a healthy and happy 9 months!

  8. Dear Manju
    I have read several of your posts and Dr Malpani's advice while googling about infertility not knowing your background and journey. I salute you for being a living example of what the holy Gita teaches. Sincerely wish you well and may you hold your healthy baby in your arms in good time.

  9. hi manju
    everytime i read your blog, i find something informative...my blessing to you...

  10. Dear Manju, at what week of pregnancy one should get NT scan done?. Any day after 11 weeks?. Is the blood test for Down's syndrome required if the age of the pregnant lady is 34?. Thanks. God bless you.

    1. http://www.babycenter.com/0_nuchal-translucency-screening_118.bc?showAll=true

      Please read this, it will answer all your questions!

  11. ooh my manju, congs am so happy for you.

  12. We are eagerly waiting to know how far are you in your pregnancy and to know how are you doing!! I wish and hope that you would be doing great and God would have given you all the strength, blessings to enjoy this pregnancy of yours!!! Take care !!
    - Sreedevi

    1. I am really sorry, I was not feeling well emotionally. I am better now. Will update soon. Thanks so much for all the love!

    2. Manju, pls take care of yourself. Hope all is well at your side.

  13. Please take care Manju. May God be there with you all throughout. Take care. - Sreedevi

  14. wat was the gender of ur twins

    1. Manju, I have had 4 miscarriages since 2008. I have low AMH. Other than this doctors have not been able to find a viable cause for them. Can you please tell me what medications were you put on, in your first trimester? I was thinking of steroids for the next time, though i read they are not safe.

    2. I am really sorry that you have to go through this. Unfortunately, miscarriages due to poor egg quality cannot be cured using any medicines. I took thyroxine for hypothyroidism, baby aspirin, 5 mg folic acid and multivitamin.

      Have you thought of genetically testing your embryos before transferring, especial if you are in USA ?

    3. I am really sorry that you have to go through this. Unfortunately, miscarriages due to poor egg quality cannot be cured using any medicines. I took thyroxine for hypothyroidism, baby aspirin, 5 mg folic acid and multivitamin.

      Have you thought of genetically testing your embryos before transferring, especial if you are in USA ?

  15. Manju, you are my inspiration. God sent model. I can relate so much to your story. Now I'm anxious to read the next part of your story, whether you had a cerclage or not.


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