Our Journey After Twin Loss

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Please pray for me !

I had two scary bleeding episodes with bright red blood ! I am shocked the first time but getting used to it. After the first episode on Saturday, I went to ER and they checked my blood hCG again. It was at 17,365 (so less than 48h doubling time, which is good !). The vaginal ultrasound scan showed two sacs. I was originally asked to come in for a scan yesterday (5w5d). I had a scan again and there are two sacs and both contained yolk sac. Yesterday evening again I had a gush of blood when using toilet. I don't have any pain or cramping. I feel very worried. The only thing I can do is to surround my babies with all your positive vibes, which I believe will protect them. Even doctors have no clue what is happening. In many infertility discussion boards I hear that such episodes are very common with IVF and twin pregnancies. I wish everything goes on well ! Please pray for me. Some kind hearted blog reader told me that I should have a 'boring ' pregnancy. I too long for that but ...


  1. Dear Manju,everything will be fine and my prayers are always with you.I guess it now our(readers) turn to support you and we surely will.

  2. Hugs Manju!! I am feeling heavy just by reading this, can’t imagine yours and DH’s state. You will be fine , I am going to lit diyaz today and I have nothing but this to ask him to keep your babies stable.
    Sending you lot of positive vibes on your way.


  3. Hi Manju, firstly congratulations!
    I have a son born through ivf... and 10 weeks into my pregnancy, I started bleeding like a tap for about an hour... and the bleeding continued (though with less intensity) for a few days... I was diagnosed with a subchorionic haemorrhage which lasted till I was 6 months pregnant... I had another bleeding episode and there was a point when the blood clot was bigger than the baby... I was advised bed rest... but things went fine... and I now have a nearly three-year old boy...
    Good luck to you... I hope all goes well... I cant even imagine all that you have gone through so far... Take care... be positive...

    1. Than you so much for taking time to share your experience ! It gives me lots of strength. Thanks !

    2. You have helped so many of us with your blog - thank YOU. Please continue to be strong and positive as you always have... things will be fine... Try not to do anything strenuous for a while. We all really hope that things will go well for you... take good care...

  4. Dear manju
    My prayers are always with you. Everything will be fine soon.

  5. Oh Manju - I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can imagine how nerve wracking it must be. Please do try and stay positive (as hard as it must right now..). Thinking of you and praying for you and little for all to be ok. When do you see the doc next?


    1. Thanks so much dear Nushi ! Will have an ultrasound on Monday, will keep updated. I am trying hard to stay strong and positive.

    2. We're all with you and I am sure your little ones will be fine!

  6. Hi Manju,

    All WILL be well , donot worry. You have so many readers praying for you .. everything has to be fine . Take good care of yourself.

    Lots of Love,

  7. Thank you so much friends ! All your words are so much helpful. I am sure my babies will be fine.

  8. Hi Manju, I too experienced a gush of blood with my successful pregnancy, so don't panic, it is very common. I'm so happy that you have twins.

    1. Thank you so much Ariel ! You wouldn't know how much this kind of first hand infomration mean at this time. How is your little one doing ? :)

    2. My little one is great, thanks. Yes I remember I had more than one bleeding episode and would rush to the hospital for scans. I'm looking forward to your updates, so excited to see the development of your twins!

  9. Dear Ma'm
    Lots of good wishes and kind prayers by heart.Don't worry about anything,just keep your spirit high as like always.Everything will turn out out to be very fine.Just keep yourself calm and stay happy.Everyone's prayers are with you,at every step of this journey.I am sure babies are also doing well within warmth of your love.
    with lots of love and affection,wishing more fortune for future.
    Ashu !

  10. Dear Manju,

    i am praying for you. i know it can be scary but stay positive. i too experienced that with my ivf pregnancy and i remember always running to the dr and asking him to do scans and always the sac was intact and now i have a super-intelligent 3 year old. i remember i kept praying and talking to my baby to be strong and stay in mummies womb. God is watching over you, you will bring forth strong healthy screaming babies, it is well with you and your babies!

  11. Manju, saw this update just now. Praying or you and I trust God will take care of you and your babies. Do take care of yourself, take rest. Lots of love and hugs, Anjani.

  12. Hey manju...congrats on ur twins....i know that even a speck of blood might be scary at this point...but listen to the ladies here and take reassurance. Not sure if you believe but Ezekiel 16:3 is supposed to cast away fears of bleeding. I am sure its nothing except that ur twins are dramatic righht from the start :) happy parenting!


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