Yesterday , I received an email from one of my blog reader , my friend. She is now the mother to two beautiful kids ( twins ). She has struggled hard with infertility for years - she deserves the happiness she is now experiencing. She is such a nice person ; she is very kind enough to inform me when she was pregnant , many don't do so. She sent me the pictures of her children yesterday , and that made my day. There are so many women who write to me , but I never hear from them once they succeed - on my bad days , it just hurts. I have watched the picture she sent me so many times now - the happiness in her face , the beauty in her children's face was amazing. 'A' , I wish you lots of happiness - happy motherhood ! You are one beautiful soul I met via my blog , and thanks for being so kind and compassionate.
Almost every woman whom I have met through my blog has attained their most beautiful dream - motherhood ! There are many ways to motherhood - adoption , IVF , IUI, donor eggs , surrogacy , donor embryos , the list is endless ! We must be thankful that we live in this age of easy information access , and in a age where science and technology are rapidly advancing and the benefits of it are available to us. I sincerely hope it becomes affordable for everyone too.
Long , long back I posted something here. I hope I could write more in the coming days. Anisha is doing good - couldn't believe that she is one year old already ! :)
Hope everyone of you are doing good. Good luck !
Almost every woman whom I have met through my blog has attained their most beautiful dream - motherhood ! There are many ways to motherhood - adoption , IVF , IUI, donor eggs , surrogacy , donor embryos , the list is endless ! We must be thankful that we live in this age of easy information access , and in a age where science and technology are rapidly advancing and the benefits of it are available to us. I sincerely hope it becomes affordable for everyone too.
Long , long back I posted something here. I hope I could write more in the coming days. Anisha is doing good - couldn't believe that she is one year old already ! :)
Hope everyone of you are doing good. Good luck !